Green With Envy

You’re from a whole other world,  

a different dimension.

You open my eyes and I’m ready to go.

Lead me into the light.

I was sim hopping recently and came across INSILICO, a futuristic rpg sim. The build of this sim is off the charts, with so much detail and so expansive that it would take weeks to explore the city in length. I was checking out the rules at the landing point and I love that everything is so straightforward and easy to understand. And, you don’t even need a tag to wander around and check things out. For photographers, how great is that?

Legal Insanity has this great new halter dress out for the Dressing Room Fusion. When I saw the green and black, I knew I instantly wanted to create an outfit that was different and out of the box. I don’t usually wear too much makeup in SL, but with Cosmetic Fair having opened last week, I stopped by and scooped up this wicked green eye-shadow from Dead Apples. Black lipstick really completes an extraterrestrial inspired look.

My Outfit:

Belleza – Ava (sunkissed)

Legal Insanity – Mox Dress Limited Edition (mesh) NEW RELEASE @ The Dressing Room

Maxi Gossamer – Ramona 77 Jewelry Set

Glam Affair – Couture Eyeliner (No. 1) (mesh) (black)

Amacci – Sione Hair w/ streaks (coal)

Whatever – Spike Earrings (silver)

Envi – Nose Diamond

Remarkable Oblivion – Black Clutch (mesh)

SLink – Mesh Hands & Leather Thigh Boots (mesh) (black)

Dead Apples – Glam Olive @ Cosmetic Fair 2013

Poses from -slouch- poses

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